I found a fresh blog site with a focus on doodles. I don't mean doodles as we normally would think of them. The doodles I speak of is in relation to poetry. The basics to the blog is doodles. Doodles in poetry are short lines written with a limited amount of corrections. The lines can also be interchangeable. Check out the site.
Peter de wolf has a doodlepalooza event going on. I made day 5 with my poem: Antarctica Needs You. An inspiration from my previous days blog.
If you can't link to the site check my side bar for Peterdewolf.
On another note. I've been searching blogs based in Antarctica and leaving comments to fish them in to visiting 'grey images'. I've almost got visitors from every continent on Earth.
On a more serious note. I'm going to a wedding tomorrow. It's to complicated to get into explaining why I'm divided concerning marriage. In short I think children are great, for the most part. I'm a kindergarten teacher for goodness sake. However, I don't feel the pressure to get married yet and I've already surpassed my 20's and slowly notching the marks into my 30's. In any case, must enjoy the festivities.
1 comment:
Hi, I am going to help you out with goal number two and follow your blog. I enjoy the way you write.
Thanks for the shout out on my blog. I love my playlist too!
Count the glorious state of California among your visitors.
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