Sunday, December 27, 2009

Twenty Ten

A month later he emerges. the year is almost to a close.
Thanksgiving came and went gifting himself with a nice lcd flat screen.
Something for the girl friend and him to enjoy watching on evenings
to cold to go out. Christmas flew up and contributed to the final farewell
to the year two thousand nine. That's right, it's that time.
Good bye Spring of two thousand and nine, goodbye.
Farewell Summer of Two thousand and nine, Adios.
A final wave to Autumn of Two thousand and nine, we're fine.
Now it's time for Twenty Ten with a big ass welcoming party when,
the ball drops on the needles. couples spark between lips as they
squeeze together between their hips. Sparkling champagne corks
fly high and everybody says goodbye to two thousand nine.
Two thousand ten, hi. welcome... & Happy New Year to all.
Cars aren't flying like the movies of the future. We dreamed big,
didn't we? And still we buy cars that roll on roads painted with
the blood of the Earth. Thank God for Mother Earth. We got a new
president and yes, He's black :) and one who got hit in the head in Italy.
We had summits for global awareness and attempt to roll back
carbon emissions... quite a mission but not quite done. Still marching
through the recession. Yup, that's still not quite done. No fun.
Now with twenty ten... we've got problems for sure but we're not
pressed and weary for we've got the world to defend. Children of
the Earth... rise up my friends. Let's take back what's ours in Twenty Ten!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey there my friend, glad to see you back, and this post is just awesome!
I don't think I will miss 2009, but I don't know that I will like 2010 any better, lol. Ignore me today, I'm home sick and not very happy about it :) Hope you are doing well,