Thursday, December 18, 2008

Rambling on about much of nothing.

I can only imagine what it's like to have a child of my own. The joy and innocence that surrounds me everyday can soften the coldest of hearts. Which reminds me... is the working title of my novella. Cold, Heartless & without Remorse.

Last night Grey met his friend J.A.De for a drink and to talk.

J.A.De: People are not like you and I

GREY: What do you mean?

J.A.De: You see things that normally others might not see.

GREY: Explain

J.A.De: Intuition of some sort... A six sense about your surroundings.

GREY: What if I don't see what your saying... no intuition there.


Alexandra MacVean said...

Good (very early) morning, Luis. Thanks for stopping by. Welp, we got the ice alright...and it sucks. I'm in town at a friend's house, while my family is stuck out in the country with no power. I pray to GOd they don't take long to get it back on. First, for my families' sake to be warm...and secondly for that blasted cursed house. If it's off for too long the basement will start flooding, as there will be no power to keep the sub pump from overflowing. =/


And you are is too blessed cold out!

Take care!

b. luis grey said...

I'm doing good. It's Friday night here and I'm going to meet up with the fella's to go to a club on the other side of Seoul.

Alexandra MacVean said...

Hey Luis...stopping by to wish you a good week. Take care.